
My intention on this website is to inform my children on topics that are seldom discussed within traditional education. I want to stipulate upfront that, while I believe the capacity for logic is significant within me, I know that I am a simple man encumbered with boundless ignorance, and I could simply be suffering from overconfidence. Within my words, you may find some clear observations, but undoubtedly there will be some errors wrought from my own frailties.

I hope that these ideas and experiences can be built upon by further generations. That you, our descendants, can add to the things outlined here. Most of what appears here will be very obvious, but this is also true in some of the most poignant thoughts ever conceived. We rely as humans on two ways to learn (personal experience or the experience of others) and there is only so much that can be acquired in a finite period of time. If I could choose for you the most efficient way to expand your knowledge, it is to place primacy on learning from others and then to draw upon your own personal experience. We have been blessed as human beings to be the only creature that can draw from the cumulative knowledge of the entire history of all who have come before us. That being said, there are lessons that are uniquely taught to us by our parents that are too important to ignore. As parents of advanced age, it is our duty to make sure that the lessons we have to give can be taught in the event that the worst should happen to us at an inopportune time. Some of these lessons are situational in nature and cannot be foreseen. Most are simple concepts that can be taught by any loving parent in a superior manner to worldly experience. These wisdoms are our focus here.

 The thought of a contrived attempt at broad based acceptance nauseates me. My writing may at times be uneducated, pretentious and clunky, but it is as natural as can be for me and flows with immediacy from my keyboard. I am not here to sell anything and am okay with simply pleasing my own sense of truth.

In addition to practical education, I have also included bits of information that may be more trivial in nature but may yield some insight into my private thoughts and observations. It is not a journal, but it is an outlet for me to say things that I would not say publicly, and likely would not say privately. Some of these things I have never uttered to another human being.

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