Nothing on Earth is as close to immortality as the sightless joy of youth
Unable to foresee life’s end in some far-away place
How they dance and laugh and sing
Gravity unseen, misplaced importance drawn with an imprecise hand
How monstrous the hammer appears to me now
Knowing that the embrace of human anonymity is near
How measured my treasure of time, how well thought out my movement
Clinging, grasping, hoping, praying for the unreachable
The powerful joy of ignorance warms my shivering soul
The mocking thoughtlessness, I long for the carefree indulgence
Every day I pretend and by pretending draw nearer the hammer
I can smell the stench of its nearness
Where is the nobility of acceptance?
The end is inevitable, the faceless throng awaits
How I despise the collective, it’s uncaring march
And the divine indiscretion of sharing this oneness with the most wretched among us
The day will come for my descent to the destiny of all mortals
All the world’s greatness lies fleeting as a deep breath
Choking on the ash of all our weakness
Fear to melancholy, sadness to submission
When I feel the dizzying fall under a dulling awareness
will I embrace this as I embraced my earthly immoderation?
How I long for the ignorance and knowledge of youth