
A continuous struggle with ignorance begins at the very moment of our birth and continues as long as we have an interest in the world. We are destined to fail. As we learn more and more it becomes plainly apparent that the things unknown to us are insurmountable. To this point in my life, I would say that the more a person learns the more keenly aware they become of their own ignorance. Knowledge stacked upon knowledge for even the most mundane tasks have been developed during the course of human history and will continue their inexorable and unending path as each generation stacks more layers of knowledge upon their predecessors.

Considering the wealth of knowledge available for consumption, knowing where to place focus becomes crucial. The ability to recognize knowledge that is timeless becomes a very important skill. The longer your knowledge is pertinent the more effective your education becomes. Many fall into the trap of being enticed by the beauty of a certain body of knowledge over its functionality. In general, there is very little guidance related to how and in what order to acquire knowledge. Contrary to mainstream opinion, gaining knowledge is not always good, particularly when absorption of knowledge takes away from the time that should be spent immersed in higher priority learning. The laws of finite resources must be obeyed when making a determination as to direction and priority to learning. The best decisions are made when your individual strengths and passions are given equal bearing upon them. Of course, the financial component of such decisions should not be taken lightly. Nothing can drive the need for enlightenment better than a good synthesis of these three components (strength, passion, and fiscal).

Caution should be maintained when exercising self-perception of these three items. The passion portion is fraught with the kind of emotional component that can lead to distortion or poor decisions. At the same time, this is usually the clearest and easiest to see. Personal strengths and weaknesses can hide behind veils of weak self-perception. I do not feel this myself but it is so obvious in others that I assume that it must exist in me to some degree. If you have access to a trusted person who has good judgment and knows you well, it would be wise to ask them about your strengths. The financial component is a simple matter of research. Spend the time to objectively resource the manner and amount of financial benefit that can be derived from a body of information. This is more important during the years of establishing ourselves than it is after we have been established.

As a footnote, it should be noted that once we have accrued enough capital or time ourselves as a result of the application of these principles, it is then our responsibility to lend ourselves to philanthropic endeavors in an ever-widening circle around us, with an eye to maintaining proper priority. I know it may seem unrelated to mention it here, but the things we strive to do should have some end goal in mind. If philanthropy is after all the end goal, it should be considered during the education process as well. This leads back to the establishment of our personal core principles which will be discussed among other essays.


Fear is one of the greatest inhibitors to success in adulthood. No matter the level of genetic propensity in the resistance of this emotion, I firmly believe that practice and experience are the only way to maximize one’s ability to manage fear. Fear is, of course one of the core human instincts that has served our long history of success as men. The irony to this lies in the establishment of civilized cultures in which physical danger is minimized or removed. The things that our cerebral cores react to are the very things that modern cultures remove for the most part. We are left with fears of things that have more modern consequences.

One of the easiest ways to strengthen self-confidence is to identify things that evoke fear without being accompanied by actual danger of any great degree. Once these things have been identified put yourself in a position to feel and defeat fear repeatedly, until the fear of this behavior eventually dissipates. This should be immediately followed up by further identification and immersion until the next fear also subsides. As each cycle progresses and builds the process itself will bear a more significant fruit than the sum of previously defeated fears. Accept and identify your fears with joy, for they all represent the opportunity to improve.

It appears to me that a prerequisite component of greatness is fearlessly trusting a vision of clarity. Obviously, having a vision that actually contains clarity must also be developed, but that is a complex task that can be addressed elsewhere. Leave fear for the inept and mediocre, where it actually serves the greater good. If you have done the work to achieve the tools to make a worthwhile contribution to society, family, business or some other important endeavor, embrace the inevitable butterflies that occur as a normal manifestation of testing our capacities. I can say from experience that very few times in life will you experience a thrill that rises to the level of defeating fear coupled with tasting success. Yes, the argument can be made that this pleasure is simple self-indulgence and it would be an argument of merit, but in this case you are using your core human weakness in congruence with things that society deems, and actually are, worthy. This is the finest use for the burdens that God has placed upon us. In all information I have gained in my short years on this earth I can say that when congruence exist between man’s instinctual drive, his intellectual logic and his nobility of character, grab hold fast to whatever it is that brings these things together and do not let go.

Commendable Purpose

I have always felt it a bit heavy and pretentious to create a personal mission statement. I am happy to embrace the less anxious, and perhaps homelier version of this notion: commendable purpose. One could argue it is only a nuanced difference, but that small dash of nuance seems to fit the theme.

Greatness in my life is likely to seem pretty milk toast to the average observer. Of little more value to the world than the relative beauty of an average flower garden. Ahhh…but I am not without vision. While my own results may have demonstrated a life of diminished efficacy, I have at least known when to pay attention in my intermittent exposures to greatness.

I have never learned, nor do I wish to, a repeatable path to greatness that ignores the rule of rigorous discipline. The languid path is well trodden by happy fools, anchored by their own passive obedience to those in the distance. I have done the math and know that the things I have done in my life to hone expert proficiency do not translate to greatness in a broad sense…and I am running out of time. It is simply more practical to apply my knowledge of greatness over those to whom I hold predominant influence. I should make a preliminary determination of capacity, but the desperation of my own shelf life is certain to impact my objectivity. No perfect plan from which to navigate, the time is now.

I must be a good parent and family man. It is not difficult, but it requires relentless effort. Placing importance on certain behavior and knowledge, even when it runs contrary to my brood’s genetic disposition. Forming what is malleable, trying to form what is not. Let me tell you, it feels like more than just commendable purpose. It is consuming toil, and it does feel like a mission. Those poor children…